Sandra Fluke insists she will not be silenced

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

In an opinion piece published by CNN on Tuesday, Georgetown University law student and women’s rights advocate Sandra Fluke insisted she will not allow slurs from critics to silence her and other women from continuing to speak out on issues regarding women’s health and contraception.

Fluke has faced slurs and personal attacks after speaking before the House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee in the United States House of Representatives about women’s health and contraception. She was called a “slut” and a “prostitute” by talk radio show host Rush Limbaugh. In response to these attacks, Fluke has received public support from women, members of the media, and politicians including the President of the United States.

Attacking me and women who use contraception by calling us prostitutes and worse cannot silence us.

In her piece for CNN, Fluke took the opportunity to thank her supporters, writing, “By now, many have heard the stories I wanted to share thanks to the congressional leaders and members of the media who have supported me and millions of women in speaking out.” She characterized the “opponents of reproductive health access” who issued personal attacks against her as being motivated by an attempt to change the topic of conversation away from a dialogue about women’s health, and “to silence women’s voices regarding their own health care.”

Fluke wrote that the efforts by some to drown out women from speaking out about women’s health were unsuccessful. She came to this conclusion due to the multitude of positive comments and encouragement sent to her by both female and male individuals urging that contraception medication be considered a medical necessity.

Asserting that she would not remain silent on this issue of women’s health, Fluke wrote, “Attacking me and women who use contraception by calling us prostitutes and worse cannot silence us.”

She noted that a significant majority of women have utilized contraception medication, and commented that there exists a social disconnect between politicians attempting to make it more difficult for women to access this type of health care, and the views of society-at-large about the matter: “Restricting access to such a basic health care service, which 99% of sexually experienced American women have used and 62% of American women are using right now, is out of touch with public sentiment.”

Fluke concluded her piece by emphasizing that those in power should not govern based on ideology: “I am proud to stand with the millions of women and men who recognize that our government should legislate according to the reality of our lives — not for ideology.”

After being banned by Congressman Darrell Issa from speaking before a Committee on Oversight and Government Reform hearing on February 16 which consisted mainly of male panelists, Fluke appeared before a meeting of the House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee convened by Minority leader of the United States House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi on February 23.

Fluke spoke to the committee about the need for contraception to be covered by health care plans offered by employers, as a matter integral to women’s health. She cited multiple cases where women take contraception medication as part of their health care for treatment of medical conditions unrelated to birth control, including two women who suffer from polycystic ovarian syndrome, a woman who is afflicted with endometriosis and another who takes contraception in order to prevent seizures.

Time and time again, women have been silenced in this discussion, a discussion about our own very personal health care decisions.

Speaking before the United States Senate on February 17 along with fellow members Patty Murray, Kirsten Gillibrand, Barbara Boxer, and Charles Schumer, Senator Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire expressed her support for Fluke. Like Fluke, Senator Shaheen pointed out the need not to silence the voices of women in the public government debate about women’s health care: “Time and time again, women have been silenced in this discussion, a discussion about our own very personal health care decisions.” Senator Shaheen concluded her remarks with an explanation as to why she believes women should have significant representation in discussions about their health care: “Women deserve a voice in this debate because, after all, in the end this is about our health and it is about a health care decision that is between women, their families, their doctors, and their own faith.”

President Barack Obama called Fluke on March 2 to express his support for her courage to speak out on issues of women’s health. In his first press conference of 2012 on March 6, he discussed his reasons for deciding to call Fluke.

The President cited his personal thoughts about his own two daughters: “And the reason I called Ms. Fluke is because I thought about Malia and Sasha [Obama’s daughters], and one of the things I want them to do as they get older is to engage in issues they care about, even ones I may not agree with them on. I want them to be able to speak their mind in a civil and thoughtful way. And I don’t want them attacked or called horrible names because they’re being good citizens.”

President Obama went on to state that Fluke served as a positive role model for citizen participation in democracy and society: “And I wanted Sandra to know that I thought her parents should be proud of her, and that we want to send a message to all our young people that being part of a democracy involves argument and disagreements and debate, and we want you to be engaged, and there’s a way to do it that doesn’t involve you being demeaned and insulted, particularly when you’re a private citizen.”

Bluetooth Integrated Car Audio System}

Bluetooth Integrated Car Audio System



Bluetooth, as we all know, provides the wireless handle to our mobiles and headsets. You are safe of the many wires and all which can be very exasperating. Now you can carry this kind of convenience in your car as well. With the simple installation of Bluetooth adaptors in the car you can enjoy the wireless benefits. Bluetooth adapters offer you the chance to secure your well-matched cell phone with your car’s stereo. So you can just select either songs you want to be played on your mobile phone and the car stereo will play just that.

Bluetooth car integration kits are somewhat popular these days due to their more functionality. Different types of these kits are available in the market. You can choose a simple kit that can be with no trouble installed on the dashboard of your car. These simple kits will offer multitasking services like making or receiving calls, playing CDs or DVDs. Bluetooth car speakers provide clear and high definition sound. Touch screen LCD monitors are also available. You will have to pay additionally for Bluetooth car installation. The most important facet to go for when you choose the Bluetooth system is always its functionality. There are several shops and companies selling car Bluetooth adapters in San Francisco. Motor music is one of them. They sell some of the best brand names of car Bluetooth adapters in San Francisco.


Car subwoofers are a complete must if you want to bring in that absolute concert-like think in your car. These devices bring in a balance in bass and improve the sound superiority. Small subwoofers are a perfect addition if you have no doubts in listening to low – medium volume levels. These bring in the bottomless and rich bass but you will surely not have the thundering bass which you can otherwise enjoy with the bigger speakers.

Even if it is a alteration of radio distribution, a Bluetooth adapter is dissimilar radio, in that it is specially designed to utilize low, short range frequencies on the low end of the collection in order to permit special digital devices to be in touch with one another over very small range. The condition of this protocol was first established in 1998; however, it took a few years to work out the bugs. Still today, the technology ahead which the Bluetooth devices are based is undergoing constant modification and upgrading.

One of the many compensation of this type of wireless equipment is that it allows your cell phone to broadcast over any programming you may be listening to on your radio, so you won’t have to worry about absent that all-important business contact. Voice thanks capability makes dial out as easy as speaking the numbers – or, if you’ve programmed it into your cell phone, simply speaking the name of the person or organization you desire to call. Installing an adaptor makes easy right of entry to your phone by with the buttons on your navigation wheel, with data that can even be displayed on your tool come together.

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Despite speculation, aides say Biden will remain on Obama ticket

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Aides from U.S. President Barack Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign rejected predictions published in the New York Post on Monday that Obama was looking to replace Vice President Joe Biden with New York governor Andrew Cuomo as his running mate. The aides repeated that Biden would be on the ticket as the vice presidential nominee of the Democratic Party, just as he was during the 2008 election.

According to the Post, former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown made the claim earlier in the year. He characterized Cuomo as “a big name, a big-state governor, and a Democrat who is taking on the issue of public-employee salaries and pensions. Plus, he looks good.” The most recent prediction came from former New York GOP chairman William Powers, who reportedly told the Post “I don’t think there’s any doubt Obama is going to pick him (Cuomo) as his running mate. The president is in trouble and Biden doesn’t bring anything to his ticket.”

Biden, 68, previously confirmed to The New York Times in October that he would be on the 2012 ticket after rumors spread by journalist Bob Woodward suggested that Obama wanted to swap Biden with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Biden stated that Obama had already asked him to run.

Cuomo, 53, began his governorship earlier this year and signed a bill last month legalizing same-sex marriage. He referred to the rumors as “political chatter and silliness”. He is speculated to make a run for president in 2016.

Ontario Votes 2007: Interview with Green candidate Jim Reeves, York-Simcoe

Monday, October 1, 2007

Jim Reeves is running for the Green Party of Ontario in the Ontario provincial election, in the York-Simcoe riding. Wikinews’ Nick Moreau interviewed him regarding his values, his experience, and his campaign.

Stay tuned for further interviews; every candidate from every party is eligible, and will be contacted. Expect interviews from Liberals, Progressive Conservatives, New Democratic Party members, Ontario Greens, as well as members from the Family Coalition, Freedom, Communist, Libertarian, and Confederation of Regions parties, as well as independents.

Microsoft launches Xbox360 Game “Halo 3” World-wide

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Microsoft Global announced that Xbox 360 first-person shooter Halo 3 launched world-wide during September 25 to 27. This launch of Halo 3 focuses on strategy, shooting, co-operating, and global linking between different languages.

In the United States, more than 10,000 retailers opened their stores at midnight on September 25. They provided a Halo 3 painted car as a grand prize. Gamers lined up for hours in excitement for the long awaited game to come out.

Shane Kim (Director of Microsoft Games Studio) awarded the first gamer who lined up for the launch at the Best Buy store in New York City, taking pictures with Jim Cush who dressed as “Master Chief”, and remarked that other 37 countries will play this game with different languages except English, with the sales of 10 million game copies.

In Taiwan, after Microsoft’s local division separately invited Taiwanese Band “Mayday” last Sunday (September 16) and SBL Yulon Dinosaur Team Players (Hsueh-lin Li and Chih-chung Chen) 4 days ago (September 22) at the “Halo 3 Pre-launch Carnival” in Taiwan, the company invited famous model Ruru Lin from Catwalk Co., Ltd. for the launch, and held a friendship match with 4 players who lined up from first place to fourth place.

Meanwhile, Microsoft Hong Kong held a “Halo 3: Ultimate Collection Exhibition” launch activity to show the Halo series figures, posters, game packs, and history. The first Chinese version of “Halo 3: Midnight Ultimate Madness” was published prior to Taiwan’s and USA’s release, at the Grand Century Place in Mong Kok, Kowloon in Hong Kong.

Wedding Rings For The Brides}

Wedding rings for the brides



The best way to impress your bride on the wedding day is to give her a beautiful wedding ring. As you are inexperienced one in this matter you may need to be informed with some facts.

Women’s wedding bands or weddings are of different types. There are wedding bands that contain engagement ring. But this wedding band cannot be presented before wedding ceremony. There are anniversary bands. These bands are the perfect gift for your wife on the marriage anniversary. Eternity bands are also available in the market. It has some symbolic meaning.

Wedding bands are available in various meals as gold, platinum, titanium and so on.

Engagement rings are best when it is added with diamond. It is a very traditional look for an engagement ring. Today most of the men want platinum ring. It looks very gorgeous when a diamond is set on the ring. The edges of the ring can also be decorated with the small diamonds. This is a very modern model.


Anniversary bands are found in many styles. Anniversary rings are best when the year of anniversary is engraved on the ring. Again the number of the year can be expressed by the number of diamond on the ring. If you give these kinds of gifts to your wife then you will surely see the expected smile on her face.yhe date of your wedding is perfect for the wedding ring but the year of marriage is perfect for anniversary ring.

There is one more band and that is the eternity band. The symbolic meaning of these bands is very clear. It reflects the eternal bond in which you both are entangled. The relation will be eternal and the ring is the proof of that.

If you really want to impress your wife then you should choose any ring among these. You can choose any metal. Girls are mostly crazy about gold and diamond ring. Tungsten and titanium rings are liked by men. But now the women who are fade-up by wearing the traditional ring are now looking for something different. Titanium and tungsten are the alternatives.

The color of titanium is black. The black color looks very good with a diamond. Ti gives a trendy look to your costume. Everyone will look at you only in the marriage ceremony.

Ten there remains the white gold. White gold is made by alloying yellow gold with silver. White gold can be matched with diamond or other gemstones. Other gemstones include sapphire, emerald etc.

While choosing the gemstones one thing should be kept in mind is that the designs should be suitable with the stones. There are solid rings and the rings with intricate designs. Solid rings are loved by men and the rings with intricate designs are loved by women. The finishing of the rings must be perfect. Otherwise the ring will look odd.

It may be any occasion. It may be wedding or anniversary or any special day, rings are the best object as a gift for women. Actually most of the women love to wear rings.


bridal rings


wedding ring


platinum wedding ring

available here.

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Diamonds Are A Girl’s Best Friend And So Are Payday Loans

By Brendon Heins

‘But I prefer a man who lives

And gives expensive jewels

A kiss on the hand may be quite continental,

But diamonds are a girl’s best friend’

These words from the song ‘Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend’ were made famous by the quintessential blonde femme fatale Marilyn Monroe. And indeed, from her time to your time, diamonds are a girl’s best friend! Swarovski, moissanite, and cubic zirconia simply cannot compare to the glamour, allure and enduring quality of diamond. Kind of reminds you of Marilyn Monroe compared with the ditzy blondes of Hollywood today.

But of course, you do not need a man who lives and gives expensive jewels. Absolutely not when you have a stable job and you can avail of quick payday loans!


Fine Diamonds, Fast Payday Loans

You have been lusting after the Tiffany Lace Ring for ages. And now you have to have it right here, right now for your own reasons – maybe the high school class reunion is coming up, maybe you are bridesmaid, and maybe you are stocking up on fashion accessories. But, horror of horrors, you come up short on the money.

Don’t fret. With fast payday loans, you can get additional money within the same day. All you have to do is go online, browse through reliable payday loans companies that your family and friends recommended, and file your application. Presto! You have payday loans deposited directly to your bank account in a matter of hours. Tiffany, here you come!

Fine Diamonds, Fine Choosing

Diamonds might be a girl’s best friend but you have to make your diamond jewelry your personal best friend. You have to choose based on cut, color, clarity and carat (4 Cs) to suit your preferences, passions and plans.

You can expand your knowledge of diamonds’ 4 Cs to enable critical choosing when you do get to a Tiffany store or any other jewelry store for that matter. Read on:

– Color can be the most important determinant of the diamonds’ value. Indeed, you can assume that ‘colorless’ diamonds are more valuable though you also have to know that not all ‘colorless’ diamonds are of lesser value.

– Clarity pertains to the visible flaws within the diamonds. Again, you are safe to assume that the less flaws present, the more you have to shell out for the jewelry. If in doubt, ask for a magnifying glass.

– Cut allows the diamonds’ facets to shine by reflecting light, which you see as the fire in the diamond. You can choose from many diamond cuts like round, oval, marquise, radiant, pear-shaped, emerald and heart-shaped. Your preference will determine which cut suits you best.

– Carat is the weight of the diamond in its entirety. In reverse order as the above Cs, you should not assume that just because a diamond is big, it is automatically more valuable than the smaller diamond.

Of course, just looking at diamonds set in gold and surrounded by other precious stones can make you stand in awe so much so that you can forget the 4 Cs. Still, it never did hurt a girl to ask about the history behind the jewelry!

Just make sure that you pay your payday loans on time lest you find yourself pawning your coveted diamond ring. Beyond that, you can make other drool with envy from your best friend.

About the Author: is the best place to secure cash advance and payday loans in Ontario. You can use your payday loans any way you want, even buy a girl’s best friend right away! Visit them now and get that ring on your finger.


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Wikimedia Commons celebrates first anniversary

This article mentions the Wikimedia Foundation, one of its projects, or people related to it. Wikinews is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation.

Wednesday, September 7, 2005

One year ago today, September 7, 2004, the Wikimedia Commons project was presented to the public. Wikimedia Commons, or simply Commons, is a repository for multimedia files that include images, videos, computer animations, and music as well as spoken texts. They currently count more than 232,000 such files.

All of Commons content is published under a free licence, so the use of its files is permitted outside the project itself. Its main mission is to provide the international Wikipedias with images. Like Wikipedia, the Commons is based on a simple wiki principle that permits every user to contribute and change content. The project is organized into so-called gallery pages, and/or by adding files into categories organized in multiple topics that help facilitate the speedy location of desired files. Often it exists already a direct link from the Wikipedia page to the corresponding page in the Commons.

The Wikimedia Commons proposal was originated by the German Erik Möller, (Eloquence), in March 2004. Eloquence was until recently the Chief Research Officer of the Wikimedia Foundation. Up until the launch of Commons, it was time consuming to use material from one Wikipedia language project in a sister project of a different language. Each file had to be uploaded into each language edition of Wikipedia, and be described and licensed again. The goal was to reduce this redundant effort into one upload, which it can be said that this was successful.

The language in use on the project’s Main Page is English because it is an international project, but many information pages exist in multiple languages. Judging by the experience of other Wikimedia Foundation projects, it is only a question of time before further localization occurs at Commons. This will make it easier for users with fewer skills in foreign languages to also contribute files.

The content in the Commons is growing at a rapid pace. Within the last month alone, the number of images and other files has grown by more than 43,000. This represents a 22,7 % increase in relation to the prior month. While the Wikipedia projects usually compare themselves with the more widely known encyclopedias like Britannica and Brockhaus, a competitor Commons would likely be considered the huge commercial photo archives like Getty Images and Corbis, who possess more than 70 million images each. In relation to them, the Commons is very small at the moment. However, most of the important buildings and landmarks world wide are already featured in its database.

Like other Wikimedia Foundation projects, the Commons face certain challenges and problems. Sometimes people upload offensive images. The community has had to establish clear criteria about which content is acceptable, and which is not. There should not be unfair censorship. Obvious transgressions can be pointed out by anybody, and they are usually deleted rapidly by the administrators.

A sensitive topic is copyrights, and the rights of the owner of the pictured images. International rules have not yet been made compatible. In certain ways, the Wikimedia Foundation opens new territory in the area of intellectual property. Before Commons, it was almost exclusively a domain of professionals to publish images who were well aware of the legal issues. Now it is possible for huge numbers of photo amateurs to publish. Like with offensive content, obvious violations of copyright are deleted the moment they are brought to notice of the administrators. However, it is quite possible there will be an upcoming international debate if the free publication of certain content, e.g. images of national heritage objects, is in the overwhelming public interest. In cases such as this, private interests which might prevent publication are of lesser importance.

The contribution of Wikimedia Commons to a wide array of issues in research, reporting, education, tourism or others, at a global scale, is difficult to fathom at the moment. Most likely though the impact will be gigantic.

Indian Markets hits record close in Diwali trade

Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Indian stock market ended at an all time high on the Diwali 60-minute Special trading session on Friday. Diwali trading is arranged every year on the festival of Diwali to pay obeisance to Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of wealth and prosperity; it is also seen as welcoming the New Year of the Samvat calendar. The Samvat calendar is 56.7 years ahead (in count) of the solar Gregorian calendar.

The benchmark 30-share Bombay Stock Exchange Sensitivity Index, Sensex, rose 0.53% or 111.39 points to a record close of 21,004.96. Sensex closes above 21k pts for the first-time in its 135 years history.

Indian markets have attracted about USD 26.74 billion this year of investment from foreign institutional investors. The sale of a 10% stake in Kolkata-based Coal India last month was the biggest share sale in Indian history and banked the government 3.4 billion dollars. Coal India has risen 43 percent since listing at the stock exchanges this week.

According to Mr. Rakesh Jhunjhunwala “This will continue for long periods of time. If you look at India we are 3% to 4% of world GDP, we are not even 0.5% of USD 30 to USD 35 trillion in the investment of institutions worldwide in equities. Our share is USD 250 billion, USD 200 billion may be and it could go up to USD 1 trillion. So I see no reason why money will not come. Don’t forget one thing that India is an open country. Indian companies have return on equity. Among the emerging markets we have the best corporate governance. We are well regulated; we have got good trading systems. Why will the money not come you tell me?” Mr.Rakesh Jhunjhunwala is tagged by the media as “India’s Warren Buffett”.